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May 12, 2011


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OMG! What is this? It's fantastic but so strange!

hahaha, LOL :D If I had found something like this on the street that would probably make my day much much better.

is there any body standing guard? what if some selfish person decides to have it for themselves?

how long would it take for one to cover his/her bike like this??

I took one also in April (think I was in Soho)

This is amazing! I saw a bike in east London in a similar position but covered in paper? So random but it looked seriously cool. This knitted one is totally crazy though and such fun. xx

I think I've found the artist! NY Times did a piece on Yarn Bombing and she was featured:


Now this is artistic expression in colours bold. Warmly hope you are well. xx

that bike is awesome!!

I think I saw it in a magazine as well, a model was sitting on it or something ;)

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