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September 20, 2010


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Don't forget flattering for those of us that do not have the narrowist of hips!

oh this look is great. Natalie looks incredible. I love the mustard yellow and the wide legged jeans... the 70s really are coming back. definitely have been converted to a skinny jeans type of girl too. although i love the look of big flares they are impossible on bikes... so are pretty much ruled out for me. xx

Aha! So Natalie is in New York. I saw her on the sartorialist just now and was wondering where she was coz she went m.i.a in the blogosphere.
Great shot btw.

It's meee! I look like I'm really mad, but in reality that's my 'neutral' face. I should really smile when I'm walking along gormlessly. I'm going to repost this on my blog and link back here if that's OK.

Thanks for all the lovely comments!


You may certainly repost, Natalie. You looked great in New York! Saw you on Sartorialist too.

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