« Gratte-ciel: The Color Version | Main | Hello New York . . . »

July 26, 2010


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Hahahaha... I'm laughing really hard now, totally unsuspected. I thought a wig but with the intention of looking like natural human hair. Okay... It's defenitely a wig for sure! I loved seeing this one in color, totally totally different. But I like the black and white version better, though because here I find the colors a bit distracting, the b&w only accentuates te essence of this photograph.

Thank you!:)
Wow!!!That's amzing!!
Why?...chick and octopus...:)
Anyway he is fantastic!

So Dr. Seuss! Love the bells on the shoes. What a great photo here - I like the B&W too because it has a more tribal look. The colours were a surprise :)

Wooow! That's more like it. Look at those colours! What a feast for the eyes. Cannot stop looking at the details on that horn thing.
His red shorts tie in the whole red colour theme very well. Plus I knew it was a wig.
Thank you for putting this up.

A different photograph, yes... Perhaps easier to read, though? The only element which is difficult to read remains the pipe where it overlaps the trousers. Great trousers/shorts, though!


Color version is HOT! So cool. An instant favorite!

Wow, this shot has so much more energy than the B&W one(which was very successful none-the-less).

super cool! great shot.

When you do color you DO color!!

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