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May 17, 2010


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I love this photo better in colour! The colours bring out her personality, the red lipstick is eye-catching and symbol of timeless beauty. This brings out the best in her! Nice job!!!

Color captures the special nuances of these timeless yet so modern beauty. LOVE the red lipstick, the purple accesories and that sweet heart-shaped face. Screen siren!

I LOVE this portrait in color! Her hair color with the red lips and porcelain skin is so beautiful.

as always i love your photos in colour. the fair skin, light hair and red lips combo is seriously a stunning combo. gorgeous photo. xx

for this one and the scarf one, i prefer them in colour.
there's something about her hair with the glasses, her facial expresssion, her lipstick, the purple splashes on the bag and her necklace that are not done justice in the b/w.

Oh, wow. Stunning in colour!

Her expression on this one is beautiful ,
I love the touches of colors .

The title of your blog is perfect for your posts. The colors you use is amazing!

oh yes!
she is beautiful, very delicate and very gracefull....

I have a question: Do you know the people that you shoot or do you ask them ?


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