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March 28, 2010


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These images are so lovely! We're slowly heading towards winter in Melbourne. Magnolia season seems so far away. Thanks for the taste of spring, from our autumn.

There was a magnolia downstairs where I used to live. The way the flowers seem to emerge from seemingly-dead branches if pretty stunning.

There is always composition! I am sure you did not publish all the pictures you took but concentrated on the best ones: most likely the ones with the best composition.

There is always composition, if only by colour, patterns...


Thanks Lucy and Davidikus!


You think so? For me the composition is exquisite as the flowers themselves. One example: in top photo, the flower in background lies directly above the foreground one; the contrast between focuses (foci?) is stunning, and one can't help but notice the parallels.

Jules - I guess you are right. Thanks for your comments, btw. Love them.

What an incredible blossom. I am not at all familiar with this plant, but it sounds like one I would like to get to know better.

Funny, you say composition is non-existant yet I see so much of it, especially on that third shot! Really beautiful how you caught all the unopened flowers. I'll assume this 'non-existent composition' that actually exists, is just you having a great eye ;)

I don't really know anything about composition, but these photos are beautiful in my eyes. And especially welcome on this dreary, rainy day in NYC.

Heaven indeed! Gorgeous colors and dof, and yes, composition, too. :)

yep, it seems that you could compose with your eyes closed. thanks for opening them for us though (your eyes).

what i was going to say, has already been said above. no composition=spectacular when it is the PD aiming the camera.

these pics remind me a movie I saw, in Japan, with a lot of silence and pink flowers...

oh my, the way you've focused on these flowers is incredible! they look like they are sitting in the middle of a watercolour painting. so beautiful! xx

you're so right... the colors are spectacular... i particularly like the 1st top photo... so simple as you focus on one flower amongst the rest... simple and beautiful... :)

These are so beautiful!

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