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January 24, 2010


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It almost looks like fall in this shot, not too sure about loving the cigarette, tho :)

I took the photo today, actually. Definitely don't love the cigarette . . .

I know you are partial to black and white photography, but your color shots are so yummy. It looks suspiciously like she is about to smoke the puppy too.

hi from Sandra :-)

funny pic....

Thanks Classic Copenhagen. . . I am partial to B&Ws but I know that I ought to focus on color a bit more . . . She does look like she's going to do something weird to the puppy, but she was untangling the leash, I think.

Her poor little puppy!!! Such a rad shot. she looks like so well put togeather, proper, styled, smoking and then got caught doing something weird with her dog....HAHA I love the reality of it all. :) Reality is so much more beautiful.

love this shot:]

wow her scarf goes on for ages!! love all the colours! xx

ohh first I thought it's a puffed puppy!

your photos are amazing! i love that you have a black/white and color version. sweet!

is she giving her dog to the fierce squirrel ?

Is that a real dog or a toy?!?

this is, indeed (not because of colour, but the motion) told a much clear story!

btw: i just saw the little blur "about you" - really dig what you wrote there, quoting: "Even with all this equipment, the most important instruments in my arsenal are my eyes" - can not say any better ... xx

love the scarf!

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