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December 1, 2009


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you don't seem to have trouble to take thoses pictures, when i was there, everbody was asking me money after each pictures taken, or just yelling at me. They want you to ask them permission to shoot them. did you notice that or was i particularly unlucky ?

great work again you 're lucky to have such a good eye.


very nice pics!

Thans Johannas. Aurore - On this day, our last, I had become more confident about taking photos (as I usually am in New York) and simply took them without worrying about it. And no one yelled or asked me for money on this day (unlike my first and second days).

A friend of mine lives in Rabat. Each year she offers me a pair of babouches. I can't live without them at home now. Last year they were orange. This year kaki.

Beautifully executed travel photography. Very vibrant...my favorite is the one with the child who glanced back at you --lovely work, all of them.

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