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October 9, 2009


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It is such a different experence to see her in color! Wow, she is truely amazing. I emagined her wearing blue or aqua, not green. Interesting!

Oh New York, New York!
Your photos never stop to dazzle me, they're just so.. full of life. It really captures different shades of your great city. I love this, it's beautiful.

Haha, that's great! I have never seen her.
I want to though, that's amazing.
Great shots!

Je n-aime pas son visage, en couleurs. Les traits sont trop severes, rudes. Malheureusement, les couleurs ici lui donnent l-image d-une femme vieille.

i am really impressed w/ your color photos! seriously... i can see improvement in really honing in on bringing out colors not just in visually but in life of people too... so great!

This is amazing..love all your colour photos!

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