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September 30, 2011


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And what a BRILLIANT shot it is! The reflection of the crowd on her glasses (LOVE that shape!), her incredible long lashes (extensions?). Gorgeous!


You are so lucky! I really love the black and white version, but I love the green of her earrings. Such a stylish woman! Wonderful photo!

Victoria Marie

you have described this scene to near perfection. I enjoyed every second of it! sweet portrait btw.

So nice to meet you. keep up the great work and enjoy Paris!

very very elegant!

What a beautiful photograph and a beautiful blog!

Great shot.
Probably my favorite moment you've found.

Great story! The black and white photo is wonderful...

Great shot indeed! It's one of my favorites of yours!! I like both versions...to the point I cannot decide which one is better!

this is definitely one of my favourite shots you've done!!

She's beautiful, I love your sunglasses and her style. The picture is very nice! Frances www.theafternoontea.it

Great reflections in the glases. She was a great villain on The City, but I've not kept up with her since.


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