New York: Greene Street, Soho
Inspiration: If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you probably know that I go through phases with respect to the subjects of my photography. I've got the people/portraiture phase, the fashion phase, the architecture phase, the Central Park phase, the "something about nothing phase", the macro photography phase . . . and so on. I've realized that when I am in the throes of a "phase", I cannot think about the others. I don't want to focus on anything else. But one thing I am sure of is that they do come to an end and others start up again. I write all of this to say the obvious . . . I am stuck in a portraiture phase right now. I've finally remembered where I put the confidence to ask people on the street for photos. It was stuck in a back drawer in my brain the whole time I spent photographing architecture and quiet places all Winter. But I will be back to pure architecture, slice of life New York street shots and Central Park soon . . .
About the photo. I saw her leaning on a some scaffolding playing with her phone and thought she looked stylish and serene. For a color photo, check out The Photodiarist in Color.