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June 6, 2010


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HAHAHAHAHAHA! so true! It seems so freeing, beautiful to be able to sleep outside. I tryed in my back yard onece. but after the 3rd bug running accross my face I was over it.

I do love your sleeping photos. Esp the first one. It looks sort of romantic in a way. Not in a love sence, In a it is all that I would picture in my head of romantisizing about sleeping in the middle of the park in New York.

LoL, I don't have a problem with sleeping outside. I just did it yesterday at a beach.

But I think I wouldn't sleep in Central Park either and definitely not on a rock this close to the paths.

i'd rather not sleep outside (i don't think i can), and i totally hate camping. the few times i had to go camping, i would prefer to stay in my little car...

There is something intimate about photographing those asleep - one is caught unaware - out of doors, wrapped in the blanket of sleep. These picture are dreamy. very well taken;-)

I think the 2nd photo is very well-composed. And I don't like the idea either of sleeping ouside. But I can understand those people. When you're a real outdoors/nature person and living in a big city like New York, you've got to get creative. I don't mind sleeping outside in my parents garden, but not in public.

this is such a cute series! all of you pictures are great, keep it up!


Carole: I thought I would have camping. But I actually liked it. But I had to submit to it in order to appreciate it. That said, I cannot say I would jump to do it again.

Englishvers: I agree with you completely about photographing people sleeping. Thank you for your comment.

Biana: I can understand them too. I just cannot understand them enough to actually emulate them!

San: Sleeping on a beach might be a wee bit different. Especially if the beach was quiet. But on a main pathway in Central Park? Nah! Not me.

Cristi: The first bug would send me back inside.

A(Squared) + M: Thank you!

I know that it's comfortable.
I love 1st and 2nd photo.

lol, I have the same problem, I've tried to sleep outside and it's not working. The pictures look stunning, specially the first one, good work!


the sleeping people!!!!!!!!!! yes, this is amazing!! Love the first one particulary ;)

I just love love LOOOVE your photos! And your ability to capture moments and light in a photo, and how you create that magic in black and white! True talent :))

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