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February 21, 2010


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her jacket is like an optical illusion, perhaps if I stare at it long enough something will pop out. I love it! lol

Thanks Khatu! Totally agree about that jacket.

How remarkably UNattractive that is...... #irony. Love your photos, tho.

Mmm.. yeah.. I guess smoking alone isn't so securing anymore as it used to be. Now people use also cells to make a statement. I am generalizing ofcourse, but especially on these snoby events like fashion shows, etc, everybody wants to be important and leave an impression of a very very busy person.
A nice series;)

As usual, great work from a photographic perspective, but she seems pretentious... begging for attention. I make no political statements on cigarettes. Sorry, I usually love your subjects.

Jules - Thanks for the compliment. And don't worry - I am not offended that you don't care for the subject of this post. You know Jules, I have no idea what she is like. I can tell you that I loved her coat and that she made an impression on me from a photographic perspective. I also noticed that, like her, many of the people popping in and out of the tents, including a number of models, were on the phone or smoking or doing both. I am not a smoker but I am intrigued by smokers in photographs. Smoking seems to relax the smoker, thereby leading to a more honest photograph (as opposed to someone smiling for the camera). So, in this regard, I like these photos because I do think that she was honestly caught up in her own moment. I also make no political statements about cell phones or cigarettes. Certainly, I have a blackberry for work and an I-phone and rightly or wrongly, I feel as though I have to check them constantly!

thanks! :)
well, the post were mostly about some dreams!

What a thoughtful response, Photodiarist; thank you. I agree with you in terms of photographic elements, and the process of inspiration that precedes. As I read over what I wrote earlier, the question of judging too quickly came to mind. Unfortunately I think that is a negative side effect of having a particular vision. I also do not know her character, only the way she presents herself and the impression it leaves on me. I generally try to refrain from leaving comments that touch on personal taste because I believe in individuality and right to choose. However this ideal is complicated by my support for discourse; in this case I choose dialogue, for reasons unknown to me, and I am only glad for your response.
Kisses from elsewhere in the city! :)

yeah, absolutely. i stopped the cigarette years ago, and it's hard to see all these models chain smoking on blogs photos. i still check too many times a day my iphone though. can't get rid of all bad habits, right?

your photos are amazing.
and i just love new york.

this girl is absolutely adorable. I love it

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