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January 7, 2010


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@ http://MAISONCHAPLIN.blogspot.com

There is nothing more sexy than a creative, hot, artist! Nice shot!

This is very life-affirming.
And you have described it so eloquently.
"A picture is not worth more than a thousand words." [Discuss]

It happens every time: I visit your blog, look at the photo. It moves me. Then I read what you write. And it kills me.

And you manage to say it so succinctly. I often think of that Joni Mitchell song when I see your posts: For Free. It's especially moving because you wrote that you were cold taking off your own gloves.

I don't even dare scroll down to other posts. I'm actually on a deadline at the moment & haven't been to anyone's blog, and I kept telling myself it would be my reward when I'm done - and I'm nowhere near done - but I just couldn't resist a peek.

It's funny how he's managing not to look cold. And love the title by the way!

oh wow a street sax player...wish i was lucky enough to stroll along to the sound of one of those. dont believe we hear sax enough these days, and very charming photo indeed.


I LOVE this shot, Photodiarist. I love how his upper body is framed by those white weeds (?) in the background, the nonchalant way he is standing, his beautiful fingers, and I especially love that he is looking at you so intensely!
I have a soft spot for sax players...
Also, I'm not big on gloves either, but I finally bought an opera-length velvet pair today!

He is definitly looking at you! :) HMMMM cute!

Very crisp, lovely images- they feel so up close and in the moment.
The kind I aspire to take. And I love street photography too!
Until now, I have been clicking using my Nikon kit zoom lens. And lately, I have been feeling the need of getting myself a basic prime lens. Hope you wouldn't mind sharing- I am curious to know if most of your images a result of shooting through a zoom or a prime lens?

Before you start imagining me as some kind of a camera geek, I will hastily add that this note is definitely not meant to undermine the art, the eye and the skill!:) Those are my touchstones.

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