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December 23, 2009


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She is magical. How amazing! I love these pictures, but all of yours are beautiful!


@ MAISONCHAPLIN.blogspot.com

So sweet and Christmassy. I showed my daughters and they were mesmerised.


Your photos are beautiful..I wonder if you ask people you photograph if they allow you to take a shot or not. That's hard thing to do for me and so many times, I prefer not taking a photo than to ask that person if I can take.

Ah, the Woodland Fairy is back! I can sense the frenzy, PD. These are such fabulous shots. Perhaps my favourite. This is inspiring me to go outside (it's cold in London & I haven't ventured out for two days: when I was in NY this would be a heat wave).

That does it. I'm going out soon as I send this, & try & find her here.

Love the 2nd pic.
Her smile..it's so nice.

Aw, so sweet!

And forgive me for mentioning this, but she does not look as though she is dressed at all warmly enough for this weather! Brrrr.

She looks a little crazy with those dots on her face

I am not afraid of Xmas Fairies, I am not afraid of Xmas fairies, I am not afraid of...


Gotta Luv it!! Stunning! http://fashionsexmagic.blogspot.com

Ohh... She is beautiful!

Peace and love!

How come I never saw the Woodland Fairy in the park so far? Hmmm she is super beautiful. So are your photos.

DUDE!!! So stoked she came out for winter!!!! So awesome! I could only emagine your excitement!!!!

lol - You're right. Maybe I was right there when you took that photo! I was wearing a black peacoat.

oh wow! she's so amazing! beautiful pictures!

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