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December 20, 2009


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ahhhh SNOWWWW!!! these are truly beautiful. i wish we had snow in redondo beach!!! my family and i aren't even getting to go up snowboarding this year :(( i miss the snow! anyway, lovely photos as always! you're amazing <3 how you are having a good holiday!

xo, camilla

sorry i meant *hope you are having a good holiday! haha :)

xo, camilla

What a deception when I realized all the snow was dirty and melted this morning. It is amazing how nice it looked yesterday night, still fresh and white. I didn't have the chance to take nice pictures of people in the snow like you this morning!

I also must admit I still am too shy to approach New Yorkers in the streets to photograph them up-close.

Happy holidays!

heavy snow!! great shot for b&w. totally captured the contrast and the texture of the snow.
yea such a shame to imagine the aftermath when it melts and been tred over with muddy shoes and wheels

I did the same in Paris yesterday with my son...Great moment.

Hello, darling
I give you a "Most Beautiful blog" award. Come to Fashion Heroines to see and receive it.
Your snow inspiration is lovely.



these pictures make me feel excited^^

snow has a magic qua,ity to it :-)

i really like those anonymous girls, I say anonymous cause you can barely see them... they so covered up in layers!

We'd definetly try to meet somewhere around the world, i had the same inspiration (ok maybe half the world w/ a camera had the same feeling to bring it out when the snow felt...)
anyway, i love these. As always very realistic and in the same time poetic as you only can make it.

check it out my winter pics : http://picturesupdated.blogspot.Com

wow, that's crazy, snow in New York but none in Toronto... i was actually thinking that a nice white dusting would be nice for christmas.. we shall see. maybe i'll send you some owl mail next time (once Santa gives me my christmas gift), although i'm not too sure how Elle (my cat) will take the new addition.... hmmmmmmmmmm

i like snow only at your pictures ;)) great !

Thank you everyone!

Isabella - I only like snow in pictures or from inside my apt!

Oh wow I love how playful these are!! x

I often wish it did snow here in Los Angeles; not as much as New York though.

Amazing!!! I had so much fun in the snow too!!


adorable pictures. we have snow here too now, it brings you in a christmas mood.

Oh, these are wonderful! I don't like the cold and I live where I live in large part because I don't like to deal with snow, but these photos do make me a bit nostalgic for a big ol' work-interrupting, car-stopping, noise-dampening snowstorm. Beautiful.

I love the moments you capture:) great clarity:)

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