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November 11, 2009


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Hahaha! This is great! There are really a lot of characters in that place.

Ferdie: Washington Square Park and Union Square have the most unusual characters!

you just gave me the best bed-time story .... i was obsessed with venetian mask yesterday but now, i think i am switching to robot mask, haha!!! awesome, xx

he is wearing a boba fetta helmet (stars wars character) i swear i havent watched the movies in years but i remember everything!!!!!!

**boba fett

Mr Boba Fett in town!

how unique!! :)

Ahaha this is brilliant. Thanks for sharing it! x

That would make my day to see a guy like this in person.

Is that real? Lol. That's why I love americans, they are insane. ^^

@ http://MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com

Pret a Porter P and Nicholas - you are right -- I forgot about Boba Fett! I haven't seen that movie in way too long.

oh my god! this is so rad!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have never seen him before ! i plan on marching over to the emma and elena exhibit at washington square park sometime this week. i hope i'll see him around.

love it!
concentrate in the music, not in the face...
Although the mask is so unusual that people might not heard the music...;

I've seen him before weeks ago at the foot of the steps to the Highline Park before as well :) and again at Union Square some time last week.

Dude, you have to check these pictues out of Russia. It is a blog by these two girls from the Netherlands...I think. I totaly thought of you! Here is the link.. :)


Cristi: Thanks for the link. Turns out that I have seen this blog before. But I lost track of it. Those pictures are awesome. Thanks for leading me back to that blog.

THIS is why I must get to NY!


Huge smile, reading this! It's not just a great look, but a perfect composition. I love that he was playing Star Wars tunes AND Frank Sinatra. Only in NY!!

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