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November 19, 2009


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Ooh! This looks so great! In response to your comment/Q on my blog, I hope to blog from Japan, but think I might be running around like crazy, with limited internet access...not sure. I leave on the 15th of December, and return early Jan, am SO SO SO excited! :)

I love N.Y. specially for the wonderful things and people from there... always something that told us a story or something that inspire us.
Love the photos.

follow me:

what an experience it must be to walk down the street, only to be captivated by such a performance...and quite often, it seems, this happens in NYC. to me, it seems such a magical place. can you believe i've never been? (i suppose riding through the bronx doesn't really count!)
thank you for taking us there to NYC, so to speak, through your energetic photographs.

even tho he is dancing, he looks very calm and focus. watching him is very relaxing. Cristi, that is what i need after very stressed and hectic day. i study medicine and tomorrow i have got two really big exams. i am so powerless but i have to study :( your blog is a place where i can forget the world for a little time ;) anyway, got 2 go. books are waiting :( this is gonna be a long niggght ! xx
ps. i think your e mail address doesn't work. thank u for your reply yesterday. that really made my day ( even tho there is circa 7 hour time difference between us ;) )

* focused - sorry, so tired :)

I can see why you'd have trouble deciding: they're all great shots. It's like moving sculpture. (of course, without seeing this, I had the same problem today: I couldn't narrow my shots down either, so did a long post on the same subject).

WHAT?? I've just read our lovely mutual blog-friend Stephanie's comment: Stephanie you've never been to NY??

I agree with Isabella: your blog is a wonderfully meditative place to come and just be... quiet in my head. Thanks once again!

Hi Stephanie! You've got to visit NYC! It is a magical place (at least to me). Isabella - I am impressed with your studies! Medicine wasn't an option for me. I can't even handle a guy spitting out coffee, much less all of the stuff that one sees in medicine. I respect that profession tremendously. Study hard! (P.S. I tested the email - it seems to work).

Jill - thank you (and Isabella) for saying that about the blog! That makes my day!

Brigadeiro! Safe travels to Japan! I am excited for you!


Ah. I must visit NYC one day. So many colourful characters :) I can sit in the park all day and observe people.

Fantastic, beautiful shots. Were you using a 50mm on this?

Wooow! This is so cool!


he is so distinguished and handsome.
love when he cracks a smile at the end.

Fantastic, beautiful shots.

I love the concentration on his face through the series of photos, but then the burst of smile in the last one. It lights up his whole face. Lovely capture!

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