« Shhh . . . | Main | New York City Characters: The Wedding Cake Man »

October 30, 2009


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This brings me right back to NYC in the nicest way! thanks judy

Anytime Judy! Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment!

I love this and the light! I like the way it's dappled as you said. I think it gives it mood and the little things like capturing his shadow in the photo are not silly! I miss it too, NYC was my home for many years:)


Hi, I looove it, thanks for sharing! Come check the new posts, hope you enjoy it! ;)

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@ MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com

I have to concur..the light does the pic a lot of justice! Excellent! NY has so many interesting people.


This is so beautiful! The light is perfict! and he has casted an amazing shadow as well :) Mid-tune.

he looks so beautiful

your photographs are just so beautiful and mindblowing..
I could only hope to be able to capture the personality and the moment of the picture as well as you do,
absolutely beautiful,
Nicky :)

oh this one's sooo beautiful. that shadow really makes all the difference :)

i'm glad you didn't ask him to move- the shadows and dabbled sunlight really make this photo! i can almost feel the crisp autumn air and warm sun.

Love this! Wish I could hear him play.

* Kelsey

Another great shot. His face is in mostly in shadow but his horn is mostly lit up.

I really like the story behind the photo.Very nice one.

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